Extending SpeedyWeather
Generally, SpeedyWeather is built in a very modular, extensible way. While that sounds fantastic in general, it does not save you from understanding its modular logic before you can extend SpeedyWeather.jl easily yourself. We highly recommend you to read the following sections if you would like to extend SpeedyWeather in some way, but it also gives you a good understanding of how we build SpeedyWeather in the first place. Because in the end there is no difference between internally or externally defined model components. Having said that, there is a question of the Scope of variables meaning that some functions or types require its module to be explicitly named, like SpeedyWeather.some_function
instead of just some_function
. But that's really it.
Before and especially after reading this section you are welcome to raise an issue about whatever you would like to do with SpeedyWeather. We are happy to help.
SpeedyWeather's modular logic
Almost every component in SpeedyWeather is implemented in three steps:
- Define a new type,
- define its initialization,
- extend a function that defines what it does.
To be a bit more explicit (Julia always encourages you to think more abstractly, which can be difficult to get started...) we will use the example of defining a new forcing for the Barotropic
or ShallowWater
models. But the concept is the same whether you want to define a forcing, a drag, or a new parameterization for the primitive equations, etc. For the latter, see Parameterizations In general, you can define a new component also just in a notebook or in the Julia REPL, you do not have to branch off from the repository and write directly into it. However, note the Scope of variables if you define a component externally.
To define a new forcing type, at the most basic level you would do
using SpeedyWeather
struct MyForcing{NF} <: SpeedyWeather.AbstractForcing
# define some parameters and work arrays here
In Julia this introduces a new (so-called compound) type that is a subtype of AbstractForcing
, we have a bunch of these abstract super types defined (see Abstract model components) and you want to piggy-back on them because of multiple-dispatch. This new type could also be a mutable struct
, could have keywords defined with @kwdef
and can also be parametric with respect to the number format NF
or grid, but let's skip those details for now. Conceptually you include into the type any parameters (example the float a
here) that you may need and especially those that you want to change (ideally not work arrays, see discussion in Use ColumnVariables
work arrays). This type will get a user-facing interface so that one can quickly create a new forcing but with altered parameters. Generally you should also include any kind of precomputed arrays (here a vector v
). For example, you want to apply your forcing only in certain parts of the globe? Then you probably want to define a mask here that somehow includes the information of your region. For a more concrete example see Custom forcing and drag.
To define the new type's initialization, at the most basic level you need to extend the initialize!
function for this new type. A dummy example:
function initialize!(forcing::MyForcing, model::AbstractModel)
# fill in/change any fields of your new forcing here
forcing.v[1] = 1
# you can use information from other model components too
forcing.v[2] = model.planet.gravity
initialize! (generic function with 1 method)
This function is called once during model initialisation (which is in fact just the initialisation of all its components, like the forcing here) and it allows you to precompute values or arrays also based on parameters of other model components. Like in this example, we want to use the gravity that is defined in model.planet
. If you need a value for gravity in your forcing you could add a gravity field therein, but then if you change planet.gravity
this change would not propagate into your forcing! Another example would be to use model.geometry.coslat
if you need to use the cosine of latitude for some precomputation, which, however, depends on the resolution and so should not be hardcoded into your forcing.
As the last step we have to extend the forcing!
function which is the function that is called on every step of the time integration. This new method for forcing!
needs to have the following function signature
function forcing!(
# whatever the forcing is supposed to do, in the end you want
# to write into the tendency fields
diagn.tendencies.u_tend_grid = forcing.a
diagn.tendencies.v_tend_grid = forcing.a
diagn.tendencies.vor_tend = forcing.a
forcing! (generic function with 1 method)
is the type of the first argument, because it contains the tendencies you will want to change, so this is supposed to be read and write. The other arguments should be treated read-only. You can make use of anything else in model
, but often we unpack the model in a function barrier (which can help with type inference and therefore performance). But let's skip that detail for now. Generally, try to precompute what you can in initialize!
. For the forcing you will need to force the velocities u, v
in grid-point space or the vorticity vor
, divergence div
in spectral space. This is not a constrain in most applications we came across, but in case it is in yours please reach out.
Scope of variables
The above (conceptual!) examples leave out some of the details, particularly around the scope of variables when you want to define a new forcing interactively inside a notebook or the REPL (which is actually the recommended way!!). To respect the scope of variables, a bunch of functions will need their module to be explicit specified. In general, you should be familiar with Julia's scope of variables logic.
The initialize!
function is a function inside the SpeedyWeather module, as we want to define a new method for it outside that can be called inside we actually need to write
function SpeedyWeather.initialize!(forcing::MyForcing, model::SpeedyWeather.AbstractModel)
# how to initialize it
And similar for SpeedyWeather.forcing!
You also probably want to make use of functions that are already defined inside SpeedyWeather or its submodules SpeedyTransforms
, or RingGrids
. If something does not seem to be defined, although you can see it in the documentation or directly in the code, you probably need to specify its module too! Alternatively, note that you can also always do import SpeedWeather: AbstractModel
to bring a given variable into global scope which removes the necessity to write SpeedyWeather.AbstractModel
Abstract model components
You may wonder which abstract model components there are, you can always check this with
20-element Vector{Any}:
we illustrated the modular logic here using AbstractForcing
and AbstractDrag
is very similar. However, other model components also largely follow SpeedyWeather's modular logic as for example outlined in Defining a callback or Defining a new orography type. If you do not find much documentation about a new custom type where you would like extend SpeedyWeather's functionality it is probably because we have not experimented much with this either. But that does not mean it is not possible. Just reach out by creating an issue in this case.
Similarly, AbstractParameterization
has several subtypes that define conceptual classes of parameterizations, namely
18-element Vector{Any}:
but these are discussed in more detail in Parameterizations. For a more concrete example of how to define a new forcing for the 2D models, see Custom forcing and drag.