
The following is an overview of how our parameterizations from a software engineering perspective are internally defined and how a new parameterization can be accordingly implemented. For the mathematical formulation and the physics they represent see

We generally recommend reading Extending SpeedyWeather first, which explains the logic of how to extend many of the components in SpeedyWeather. The same logic applies here and we will not iterate on many of the details, but want to highlight which abstract supertype new parameterizations have to subtype respectively and which functions and signatures they have to extend.

In general, every parameterization "class" (e.g. convection) is just a conceptual class for clarity. You can define a custom convection parameterization that acts as a longwave radiation and vice versa. This also means that if you want to implement a parameterization that does not fit into any of the "classes" described here you can still implement it under any name and any class. From a software engineering perspective they are all the same except that they are executed in the order as outlined in Pass on to model construction. That's also why below we write for every parameterization "expected to write into some.array_name" as this would correspond conceptually to this class, but no hard requirement exists that a parameterization actually does that.

We start by highlighting some general do's and don'ts for parameterization before listing specifics for individual parameterizations.

Parameterizations for PrimitiveEquation models only

The parameterizations described here can only be used for the primitive equation models PrimitiveDryModel and PrimitiveWetModel as the parameterizations are defined to act on a vertical column. For the 2D models BarotropicModel and ShallowWaterModel additional terms have to be defined as a custom forcing or drag, see Extending SpeedyWeather.

Use ColumnVariables work arrays

When defining a new (mutable) parameterization with (mutable) fields do make sure that is constant during the model integration. While you can and are encouraged to use the initialize! function to precompute arrays (e.g. something that depends on latitude using model.geometry.latd) these should not be used as work arrays on every time step of the model integration. The reason is that the parameterization are executed in a parallel loop over all grid points and a mutating parameterization object would create a race condition with undefined behaviour.

Instead, column::ColumnVariables has several work arrays that you can reuse column.a and .b, .c, .d. Depending on the number of threads there will be several column objects to avoid the race condition if several threads would compute the parameterizations for several columns in parallel. An example is the Simplified Betts-Miller convection scheme which needs to compute reference profiles which should not live inside the model.convection object (as there's always only one of those). Instead this parameterization does the following inside convection!(column::ColumnVariables, ...)

# use work arrays for temp_ref_profile, humid_ref_profile
temp_ref_profile = column.a
humid_ref_profile = column.b

These work arrays have an unknown state so you should overwrite every entry and you also should not use them to retain information after that parameterization has been executed.

Accumulate do not overwrite

Every parameterization either computes tendencies directly or indirectly via fluxes (upward or downward, see Fluxes to tendencies). Both of these are arrays in which every parameterization writes into, meaning they should be accumulated not overwritten. Otherwise any parameterization that executed beforehand is effectively disabled. Hence, do

column.temp_tend[k] += something_you_calculated

not column.temp_tend[k] = something_you_calculated which would overwrite any previous tendency. The tendencies are reset to zero for every grid point at the beginning of the evaluation of the parameterization for that grid point, meaning you can do tend += a even for the first parameterization that writes into a given tendency as this translates to tend = 0 + a.

Pass on to model construction

After defining a (custom) parameterization it is recommended to also define a generator function that takes in the SpectralGrid object (see How to run SpeedyWeather.jl) as first (positional) argument, all other arguments can then be passed on as keyword arguments with defaults defined. Creating the default convection parameterization for example would be

using SpeedyWeather
spectral_grid = SpectralGrid(trunc=31, nlayers=8)
convection = SimplifiedBettsMiller(spectral_grid, time_scale=Hour(4))
SimplifiedBettsMiller{Float32, NoSurfacePerturbation} <: SpeedyWeather.AbstractConvection
├ nlayers::Int64 = 8
├ time_scale::Second = 14400 seconds
├ relative_humidity::Float32 = 0.7
└ surface_temp_humid::NoSurfacePerturbation = NoSurfacePerturbation <: SpeedyWeather.AbstractSurfacePerturbation

Further keyword arguments can be added or omitted all together (using the default setup), only the spectral_grid is required. We have chosen here the name of that parameterization to be convection but you could choose any other name too. However, with this choice one can conveniently pass on via matching the convection field inside PrimitiveWetModel, see Keyword Arguments.

model = PrimitiveWetModel(spectral_grid; convection)

otherwise we would need to write

my_convection = SimplifiedBettsMiller(spectral_grid)
model = PrimitiveWetModel(spectral_grid, convection=my_convection)

The following is an overview of what the parameterization fields inside the model are called. See also Tree structure, and therein PrimitiveDryModel and PrimitiveWetModel

  • model.boundary_layer_drag
  • model.temperature_relaxation
  • model.vertical_diffusion
  • model.convection
  • model.large_scale_condensation (PrimitiveWetModel only)
  • model.shortwave_radiation
  • model.longwave_radiation
  • model.surface_thermodynamics
  • model.surface_wind
  • model.surface_heat_flux
  • model.surface_evaporation (PrimitiveWetModel only)

Note that the parameterizations are executed in the order of the list above. That way, for example, radiation can depend on calculations in large-scale condensation but not vice versa (only at the next time step).

Custom boundary layer drag

A boundary layer drag can serve two purposes: (1) Actually define a tendency to the momentum equations that acts as a drag term, or (2) calculate the drag coefficient $C$ in column.boundary_layer_drag that is used in the Surface fluxes.

  • subtype CustomDrag <: AbstractBoundaryLayer
  • define initialize!(::CustomDrag, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define boundary_layer_drag!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomDrag, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.u_tend and column.v_tend
  • or calculate column.boundary_layer_drag to be used in surface fluxes

Custom temperature relaxation

By default, there is no temperature relaxation in the primitive equation models (i.e. temperature_relaxation = NoTemperatureRelaxation()). This parameterization exists for the Held-Suarez forcing.

  • subtype CustomTemperatureRelaxation <: AbstractTemperatureRelaxation
  • define initialize!(::CustomTemperatureRelaxation, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define temperature_relaxation!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomTemperatureRelaxation, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.temp_tend

Custom vertical diffusion

While vertical diffusion may be applied to temperature (usually via some form of static energy to account for adiabatic diffusion), humidity and/or momentum, they are grouped together. You can define a vertical diffusion for only one or several of these variables where you then can internally call functions like diffuse_temperature!(...) for each variable. For vertical diffusion

  • subtype CustomVerticalDiffusion <: AbstractVerticalDiffusion
  • define initialize!(::CustomVerticalDiffusion, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define vertical_diffusion!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomVerticalDiffusion, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.temp_tend, and similarly for humid, u, and/or v
  • or using fluxes like column.flux_temp_upward

Custom convection

  • subtype CustomConvection <: AbstractConvection
  • define initialize!(::CustomConvection, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define convection!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomConvection, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.temp_tend and column.humid_tend
  • or using fluxes, .flux_temp_upward or similarly for humid or downward

Note that we define convection here for a model of type PrimitiveEquation, i.e. both dry and moist convection. If your CustomConvection only makes sense for one of them use ::PrimitiveDry or ::PrimitiveWet instead.

Custom large-scale condensation

  • subtype CustomCondensation <: AbstractCondensation
  • define initialize!(::CustomCondensation, ::PrimitiveWet)
  • define condensation!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomCondensation, ::PrimitiveWet)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.humid_tend and column.temp_tend
  • or using fluxes, .flux_humid_downward or similarly for temp or upward

Custom radiation

AbstractRadiation has two subtypes, AbstractShortwave and AbstractLongwave representing two (from a software engineering perspective) independent parameterizations that are called one after another (short then long). For shortwave

  • subtype CustomShortwave <: AbstractShortwave
  • define initialize!(::CustomShortwave, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define shortwave_radiation!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomShortwave, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.flux_temp_upward, .flux_temp_downward
  • or directly into the tendency .temp_tend

For longwave this is similar but using <: AbstractLongwave and longwave_radiation!.

Custom surface fluxes

Surface fluxes are the most complicated to customize as they depend on the Ocean and Land model, The land-sea mask, and by default the Bulk Richardson-based drag coefficient, see Custom boundary layer drag. The computation of the surface fluxes is split into four (five if you include the boundary layer drag coefficient in Custom boundary layer drag) components that are called one after another

  1. Surface thermodynamics to calculate the surface values of lowermost layer variables
  • subtype CustomSurfaceThermodynamics <: AbstractSurfaceThermodynamics
  • define initialize!(::CustomSurfaceThermodynamics, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define surface_thermodynamics!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomSurfaceThermodynamics, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to set column.surface_temp, .surface_humid, .surface_air_density
  1. Surface wind to calculate wind stress (momentum flux) as well as surface wind used
  • subtype CustomSurfaceWind <: AbstractSurfaceWind
  • define initialize!(::CustomSurfaceWind, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define surface_wind_stress!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomSurfaceWind, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to set column.surface_wind_speed for other fluxes
  • and accumulate (+=) into column.flux_u_upward and .flux_v_upward
  1. Surface (sensible) heat flux
  • subtype CustomSurfaceHeatFlux <: AbstractSurfaceHeatFlux
  • define initialize!(::CustomSurfaceHeatFlux, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define surface_heat_flux!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomSurfaceHeatFlux, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.flux_temp_upward
  1. Surface evaporation
  • subtype CustomSurfaceEvaporation <: AbstractSurfaceEvaporation
  • define initialize!(::CustomSurfaceEvaporation, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • define surface_evaporation!(::ColumnVariables, ::CustomSurfaceEvaporation, ::PrimitiveEquation)
  • expected to accumulate (+=) into column.flux_humid_upward

You can customize individual components and leave the other ones as default or by setting them to NoSurfaceWind, NoSurfaceHeatFlux, NoSurfaceEvaporation, but note that without the surface wind the heat and evaporative fluxes are also effectively disabled as they scale with the column.surface_wind_speed set by default with the surface_wind_stress! in (2.) above.